Personal Photography

Photos taken of loved ones to represent where I am in my life and the youthfulness that surrounds my every day. This also includes various series and studies I conducted.

Shaped Stares

Shaped Stares

A series of digital photography and design that is meant to embellish the tone of each subject’s stares. Shapes are integrated into the photo to convey the sharpness, the softness, the boldness coming from their eyes.

BLM Protest 6.2.20

BLM Protest 6.2.20

Taken from a Black Lives Matter Protest held during the protests of 2020. Being able to capture a very small glimpse into this powerful movement was such an honor.

Advanced Photo 2019

Advanced Photo 2019

These are projects from an Advanced Photo class I took in 2019. These photos developed a minimalistic, dark style that reflect my love for that type of impression.

Various individual projects >>>


Graduation Photography


Church Photography